The Coverless Book of Mormon by Don Vincenzo Di Francesca

Don Vincenzo Di Francesca Leaving the waters of the Mediterranean Sea on the north coast of Sicily about 80 kilometers east of Palermo, one can make his way up the steep slopes of the Madoni mountain range and eventually reach several small Sicilian villages, typically …

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My Guilt Was Burned And Washed Away

[The most profound experience is that of repentance. The following testimony can be attested to by thousands. Note, The Most Holy & Sacred Book of Mormon is about Christ, repentance, and the forgiveness of sin, not Mormonism.]   I went over to the wall of …

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Mary Whitmer Saw the Plates & Angel

Biographical Sketch Mary Musselman Whitmer, the only woman who saw the plates of the Book of Mormon, was born Aug. 27, 1778, and became the wife of Peter Whitmer. Together with her husband she was baptized by Oliver Cowdery in Seneca lake, April 18, 1830. …

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Harper’s New Monthly Magazine – 1851

In 1851 an objective assessment was made regarding the Book of Mormon in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine: “Whatever may be the truth in respect to the real origin and authorship of the book of Mormon, there can be no doubt of its wonderful adaptedness to …

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Exceedingly White

Sarah Heller Conrad By Oliver B. Huntington Sunday, June 13, 1897- I conversed with one old lady eighty-eight years old who lived with David Whitmer when Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were translating the Book of Mormon in the upper room of the house, and …

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Angel & the Field

An angel plowed David Whitmer’s field for him which enabled him to leave is farm and go transport Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery back to his family farm where most of The Most Holy & Sacred Book of Mormon was transcribed: Near this time, as …

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A Gentile Recommends the Book of Mormon

Peter A. Huff “God…at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.” (Heb. 1:1, KJV) One of the most rewarding aspects of interfaith dialogue is open and honest engagement with the scriptures of traditions other than our …

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Here is a list of Testimonies of The Most Holy & Sacred Book of Mormon by non-Mormons. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” -Romans 10:17 A Gentile Recommends the Book of Mormon The Coverless Book of Mormon by Don Vincenzo …

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