Skin Curse

The Mormon Church restricted involvement and blessings to blacks until June 9, 1978. On June 9, 1978, President Spencer W. Kimball announced the revelation that all worthy males could hold the priesthood (see Doctrine and Covenants: Official Declaration 2). Following the 1978 priesthood revelation, proselytizing …

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No Other Way Nor Means

Nor Any Other Way Nor Means This phrase is not found in any Bible or book and is unique to The Holy Book of Mormon. 17 And moreover, I say unto you, that there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor …

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24 Plates of Gold

[Record from Babylon, Plates of Brass, Plates of Ether, Plates of Jacob, Plates of Mormon, Plates of Nephi – Large; Plates of Nephi – Small; Plates of Zeniff] Foreground 1 And now I, Moroni, proceed to give an account of those ancient inhabitants who were …

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“A naming pattern that includes the ancient Egyptian morpheme represented by the pin-tailed duck heiroglyph G39 (with its filial meaning) involves attested linguistic phenomena that could point to the Book of Mormon as an authentic translation from an ancient text with both Egyptian and Hebrew …

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  Abstract: This paper describes and compares the Book of Mormon’s 12 instances of complex finite cause syntax, the structure exemplified by the language of Ether 9:33: “the Lord did cause the serpents that they should pursue them no more.” This is not King James language or currently …

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  The Book of Mormon stands out from pseudo-archaic texts in both types and number of instances of subordinate that. The longer pseudo-archaic texts, which together have more than twice as many words as the Book of Mormon, have fewer types of subordinate that, as …

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188 Unexplainable Names

Lehi, Nephi, Helaman, Shiblon, Moronihah, Amalickiah, Korihor, Pahoran, Lamoni, Zeezrom, Shiz—what strange names! Most are difficult to pronounce, remember, classify, and keep straight. And there are 188 of them. Joseph Smith claimed to have translated the Book of Mormon from ancient records that included authentic …

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Narrow Path

The expression “narrow path” is unique to The Most Holy & Sacred Book of Mormon and one would have thought that if Joseph Smith had plagiarized the Bible to invent The Most Holy & Sacred Book of Mormon he would have borrowed the King James …

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The phrase “And it came to pass” occurs in The Book of Mormon 677 more times than in the Old Testament (KJV) – a number deemed to be excessive by some. In truth, the phrase is based on the hebrew WAYEHI, which Bible translators rendered …

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